Top 5 romantic places in San Sebastian

Some people call San Sebastian “Little Paris”, and as the French capital, this is an ideal city for lovers willing to share beautiful moments. As in FWTSS we believe in the power of love, we’re going to tell you what we think are the Top 5 romantic places in San Sebastian. You can thank us during the Free Tour!

The Sagües esplanade during sunset: there are few nicer things to do as a couple that watching the end of the day next to the Peace of Dove, with the sun hiding in the horizon while is rocked by the sea. If the day is calm and the Cantabric allows it, the generated atmosphere is magical, really.

The Miramar gardens: the palace of ween Maria Cristina has some beautiful gardens that can be visited most of the day. It’s a place where lots of couples take their wedding photos, or get married!

Mount Igeldo: the most famous views of the city are found in Igeldo’s amusement park, and there are few things that are more romantic than seeing the city lit under the dark blue sky and over the dark blue sea. It’s something magical.


Santa Clara island: in the middle of la Concha bay we have one of the most special parks in San Sebastian, an island that we can visit by swimming or by boat (no, it’s not possible to get there on foot). When the motorboat is active it’s a pleasure to go spend the morning or the afternoon to Santa Clara, enjoying its calm atmosphere or admiring the views of the city from the North.

The Cristina Enea park: a small forest in the middle of the city, with flora from all over the world, peacocks and a calm and somehow lazy atmosphere that makes it delightful to walk around. There’s hidden corners to be calm, fields to have picnics and even ruins where to take nice photos.