Top 5 night plans in San Sebastian

San Sebastian still has things to offer by night, that’s why we bring you a Top 5 night plans! Because Donosti never stops.

Walk down la Concha: a classic. Going down the promenade or the beach (with low tide) by night is relaxing, nice and very safe. On a hot night there are few better plans than this one.

See the Kursaal: even if the conference center by day is a bit dull, by night it lights up and is very nice. The views from the beach or the area of Sagües are great, and from time to time there are festivals that enlive it even more!

Party in the Old Town: the Old Town in San Sebastian is the most bustling place in the city, both by day and by night! There’s places to dance, drink beer calmly, or listen to the best heavy metal music!

Go fishing: in the beaches and bridges of Donosti you can see by night dozens of fishermen spending some time chatting, reading or admiring the sound of the sea between catches. A different plan, a bit cold, but possible.

Go to a concert: in Donosti we are lucky to have some music venues offering all kinds of concerts. It’s possible that an interesting artist is in town during your stay. Check out on the Internet the local musical offer!