The best sweets in San Sebastian

In San Sebastian we have quite a sweet tooth, let’s face it. Whether it’s because of our proximity to France, our history linked to the cocoa trade or because we like to eat, we have developed a multitude of magnificent sweets. Here are the best sweets in San Sebastian!

1-Otaegui’s pantxineta: the Oategui patisserie invented this sweet, which is now traditional and is normally eaten on the day of San Sebastian. It is a cream-filled puff pastry that should be eaten with a touch of heat, it is very tasty!

Look at this beautiful bakery!

2-La Viña  cheesecake: A modern classic that has crossed borders and in 2021 was the flavour of the year according to The York Times. A sweet but not cloying cheesecake that tastes like cheese and has conquered half the world and part of the worl.

3-The Loaf’s brownie: A chocolatey mousse that perfectly defines what a proper brownie should be. It’s very filling and satisfies even the most hardened cocoa addict..

4- Maiatza‘s dulce de leche-filled cheesecak: What’s better than a homemade cheesecake? Well, one with dulce de leche on top. If you like sweets, you’ll love this.

5-Oiartzun’s icecreams: Although there are many ice cream parlours in San Sebastian, one day we’ll talk about why, for me the fruit ice creams they make at this ice cream parlour (with real fruit) are amazing. And sometimes they have “rosco de reyes”, made with real “rosco de reyes”, which is something you have to try.